
Removal of cavities

Caries removal is a recipe to begin your journey towards healthy and white teeth. Do you need professional help? Seek us out and start your journey.

Caries is a disease of the hard dental tissue and is primarily in the initial stage of development a white spot that is hard to notice. If not removed at this stage, caries further destroys the dental enamel and becomes a dark spot, causing further problems, so removing caries at an early stage is very important. 

The Formation and Removal of Caries

There are many different types of bacteria in the mouth of every person, which are in a healthy state, in balance. When we eat and drink, bacteria accumulate and create plaque on the teeth, which most easily occurs in crevices, between teeth or around the gum line.

Such plaque feeds on carbohydrates from the food we eat and produces acids that attack the enamel on our teeth, leading to demineralization. If demineralization occurs faster than teeth recover from it, that's when the process of caries formation begins. Besides, there are several other reasons for the onset of caries:

  • Insufficient intake of vitamins,
  • Irregular and improper oral hygiene,
  • Irregular dental visits

Some of the options for caries removal are:

  • Fluoride treatments, are very significant in cases of high caries exposure (in children or adults). Small amounts of fluoride are found in food (meat, fish, eggs), toothpastes and various mouthwashes, for larger amounts consultation with a dentist is necessary.
  • Fillings, as a method of tooth restoration i.e., treating damage caused by caries.
  • Crowns, in cases where the damage cannot be replaced by a filling or teeth are too weakened by caries.

The removal of caries has several stages, and as a prerequisite for this process, as well as for most such actions, anesthesia is required. Once the possibility of discomfort or pain is removed, the next step is the removal of caries by grinding the part of the tooth that caries has attacked. It is necessary to thoroughly clean and check if the caries has been removed. Finally, since the tissue will not regenerate on its own, a filling is necessary which in this case replaces the removed tissue. Fillings can't last forever, so oral hygiene is highly recommended even after caries removal.
