
Necessary information

STEP 1 - Contact us

You can send your inquiry via E-mail, Facebook, Instagram, Viber, or WhatsApp. The Bandić Clinic team will respond as soon as possible. If possible, it would be desirable to attach a tooth X-ray of both the upper and lower jaws (OPG X-ray) and photos of your teeth to your inquiry, based on which we will analyze the condition of your oral cavity and provide a detailed answer. If you cannot send an X-ray, you can have it taken at our Clinic upon your arrival. It is essential to inform us about your health condition and if you are on any therapy when you first contact us so that an appropriate treatment plan can be made.

STEP 2 - Appointment booking

After forwarding the detailed treatment plan to the patient, it is necessary for the patient to schedule an exact appointment. To reserve a date and dental treatment, the patient needs to make a deposit of 500.00 EUR. If the patient cancels the dental appointment, the mentioned deposit is non-refundable.

STEP 3 - Accommodation and transfer

We have provided all patients with a transfer from Sarajevo airport, railway, or bus station to the Clinic and accommodation. For major interventions, accommodation and transfer are free of charge.

STEP 4 - Visit to the Clinic

Upon arrival at the Clinic, a clinical examination is carried out, followed by preparations for the dental intervention. Upon arrival, the patient pays a 50% advance of the total price. Each dental intervention will be done as quickly as possible, based on prior agreement with the patient.

STEP 5 - Completion of the process

Before the end of the dental treatment, the patient pays the remaining amount for the services provided. A control x-ray is taken for the patient, and detailed instructions on oral care are given.

For a successful procedure, it's essential to listen to the dentist's advice and regularly come for check-ups!
