
Conservative Dentistry

Do you want to preserve your teeth? Prevent damage to them? Maintain the whiteness of your teeth? Conservative dentistry offers the best solutions for you.

Conservative dentistry is a fundamental branch of dentistry that cares for the overall health of the oral cavity and teeth.

What does conservative dentistry involve?

The purpose of conservative dentistry, which is the most crucial part of dentistry, is to prevent causes that can lead to tooth loss. Its primary function is to ensure that teeth are aesthetically beautiful, healthy, and functional. It deals with the treatment of all pathological changes in the teeth, as well as their restoration.

Conservative dentistry includes several basic interventions, such as:

  • Removal of calculus and deposits
  • Treatment of cavities
  • Tooth restoration with fillings
  • Restoration of teeth using inlay and onlay replacements

Conservative dentistry primarily focuses on the solid part of the teeth, i.e., hard tissue, and is particularly concerned with restoring the shape, function, and aesthetics of these hard tissues. It also involves cosmetic and aesthetic corrections of teeth.

Every time we eat or drink, we expose our teeth to various chemical reactions that occur in the oral cavity. These chemical reactions are responsible for the formation of plaque and deposits on the tooth surface. Regular maintenance of oral hygiene can slow down the accumulation of deposits, but it cannot completely stop it. Accumulated plaque is the main cause of various periodontal diseases such as cavities and periodontitis. That's why it is crucial to visit a dentist at least once every six months for professional removal of calculus and deposits to prevent tooth and supporting tissue diseases. Thanks to regular dental visits and conservative dentistry techniques, significant tooth damage, severe pain, and further complications or tooth loss can be prevented. 

Conservative dentistry consists of restorative dentistry, which aims to restore complete functionality and health of teeth by replacing lost tissue, and endodontics, which represents the treatment of root canal. Endodontic treatment is one of the most common procedures. If the dental pulp becomes diseased, endodontic treatment is necessary to save the tooth. The development of biotechnological approaches is of great importance in this field. Innovative materials, especially in combination with early detection and conservative dentistry treatments, allow for the advancement of aesthetics in every dental practice.

We offer you the following services:
Removal of cavities
Removal of dental nerves
Ultrasonic removal of calculus
Dental fillings
White fillings or composite fillings
Teeth sandblasting
