


Tips for Proper Toothbrushing

You may consider brushing your teeth as a simple and routine task that you do once or twice a day without giving it much thought. However, no matter how easy toothbrushing may seem compared to seemingly more important things throughout the day, it's essential to know the correct principles and methods for effective brushing and what to avoid.

Most of you probably put toothpaste on your toothbrush while still trying to wake up and open your eyes, make a few left-right movements in your mouth, and then put the toothbrush away, thinking that the job related to oral health is successfully done. Well, not quite.

These movements, especially if you use a toothbrush with hard bristles, can be abrasive to your teeth and gums, potentially damaging the tooth enamel. Teeth may become sensitive to hot or cold, age faster, and you risk developing cavities and gum disease.
With such a motion, you only clean the surface layers, while you should be cleaning the spaces between your teeth, which are full of bacteria and food residues.

What are the steps for proper toothbrushing?

  1. Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste

As mentioned earlier, a toothbrush with softer bristles will be gentler on your teeth, and it should not be older than 3 months. Choose toothpaste according to the amount of fluoride stated on the back of the tube. Opt for those with 1000 to 1500 ppm of fluoride. Of course, depending on the condition of your teeth or any oral issues you have, you should select the appropriate toothpaste. There are pastes for people with gum disease and for those with sensitive teeth.

  1. Do not skimp on time when brushing your teeth

You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes, about twice a day. However, be careful not to overdo it with brushing, as excessive cleaning can remove tooth enamel and irritate the gum tissue.

  1. Change your toothbrushing routine

You probably don't think about it very often, but if you ponder for a moment, you'll realize that you usually start brushing your teeth in the same spot. Try changing this habit - start brushing from a different place each day. It may sound like an unusual tip, but it will make you pay more attention to proper toothbrushing, and you'll be more aware of your movements.

  1. Watch what and when you eat and drink

Juices, sweets, and even healthy fruit beverages can temporarily soften the tooth enamel. If you have consumed any of these, wait at least half an hour after consumption before brushing your teeth.
Also, avoid drinking juices and coffee at least an hour after toothbrushing. The only drink you should consume is water.

In addition to toothbrushing, it is essential to mention that flossing and using mouthwash are vital for oral hygiene. If you follow these steps, maintain a proper diet, and take care of your teeth with dental floss and mouthwash, your smile and teeth will surely thank you.

But don't forget, despite all our talk about proper hygiene and toothbrushing, regular check-ups and visits to the dentist are ultimately crucial for dental health. As we conclude this text, think about your last visit to the dentist - is it time for the next check-up?
