
Metal-Free Crowns and Bridges

One of the basic characteristics of metal-free crowns is achieving a natural look. Namely, these crowns do not differ in color and other features from natural teeth. This means that with their installation, teeth look completely healthy, shiny, and correctly shaped. Unlike metal crowns, metal-free ones do not tarnish but look completely like natural teeth. Also, if gum recession occurs, a dark edge around the tooth, which is characteristic of metal crowns, will not occur. Then, zirconium is a biocompatible material. This means that this material cannot cause gum irritation, so the process of getting used to the installed crowns is just a few days.

Metal-free ceramic crowns have the property of reflecting and transmitting light and completely imitate natural teeth. They are biocompatible and suitable for patients who have allergies to metals. Due to their excellent aesthetic and mechanical properties, they have become the material of choice, especially for front teeth.

CAD/CAM Technology

Zircon ceramic crowns can be made from a high-quality zircon base coated with ceramics or from a single block with computer-aided CAD/CAM technology. To create prosthetic replacements with CAD/CAM, minimal technician assistance is needed, reducing the chance of error to a minimum and ensuring top-notch precision.

If we were to highlight the most important advantages of metal-free crowns over metal-ceramic ones, they would be better aesthetics and a more natural look thanks to the transmission of light, greater precision as they are made with CAD-CAM technology, good thermal insulation, as well as the possibility of adhesive bonding to the tooth structure.

Installation of Metal-Free Crowns

Installing dental crowns requires grinding of tooth material. However, for the installation of metal-free crowns, almost five times less material needs to be removed compared to the installation of metal ones. Based on the orthopan image, our dentist determines whether it is necessary to extract a tooth before installing the crowns. If that is necessary, then that intervention needs to be done first, and then after the wound heals, the crowns are installed. The next step is choosing the future crowns. Namely, based on photographs of different models, the patient chooses the appearance of the crowns together with the dentist. After that, impressions need to be taken to determine the position and shape of the teeth. Only after that follows the grinding of teeth and the installation of temporary crowns. The patient wears them until the permanent metal-free crowns are made. It is important to emphasize that grinding is completely painless and is done with local anesthesia. Then follow trials to make the permanent crowns as good as possible. At the last trial, the patient has the opportunity to see the new teeth for the first time.

Metal-free crowns represent the pinnacle of today's dentistry compared to metal crowns. Aesthetically, metal-free crowns are far ahead of metal ones, and in addition, they are more durable - years after "use" they will still be the same and untouched, while with metal crowns, it is easy to notice wear and tear - a noticeable gray line will appear between the tooth and the gums.
