
Ultrasonic removal of calculus

Stubborn tartar deposits can permanently damage your teeth. Seek a solution in our clinics and protect your smile with ultrasonic tartar removal.

Dentistry is certainly one of the most represented branches of medicine that helps in everyday life of every person. An unbalanced diet, bad habits, improper oral hygiene are just some of the factors leading to tooth damage. However, there are methods that can preventively influence the preservation of tooth health, and one of the main ones is ultrasonic tartar removal.

When is it necessary to perform ultrasonic tartar removal?

If not taken enough care of, tartar can lead to numerous aesthetic, but also health problems, which is why the method of ultrasonic tartar removal has gained great popularity. Its main advantage is that it is a painless method, which will take care of removing all dental deposits, and is suitable for all patients. However, in addition to these characteristics, ultrasonic tartar removal will significantly reduce the possibility of permanent tooth damage.

Dental tartar actually represents hard deposits, which accumulate on the tooth over a long period of time. It occurs as dental plaque accumulates over different periods, and over time, due to the action of minerals from saliva, this plaque turns into dental tartar. This means that every skipped tooth brushing increases the risk of tartar formation.

As we have already said, ultrasonic tartar removal is painless, and some patients even point out that tartar removal creates a pleasant feeling. What can create a temporary feeling of 'pain' is if, due to the deposited tartar, the neck of the tooth has become exposed, which is the most sensitive part, which is why the patient may experience brief pain that quickly disappears.

Ultrasonic tartar removal is performed using an ultrasonic instrument, which, with the combination of pressurized water and oscillations, removes dental tartar, as well as dental plaque and pigmentation. The devices are absolutely safe, and their efficiency is almost one hundred percent, and their use is not recommended for patients with pacemakers, young children, or patients with oral implants.

What after ultrasonic tartar removal treatment?

After the completed ultrasonic tartar removal treatment, it is necessary to remove soft deposits and perform tooth polishing. Soft brushes and abrasive pastes are most commonly used for this, and more recently, the method of sandblasting teeth, after which the teeth become smooth. The only possible consequence of such treatment can be mild tooth sensitivity, but these are temporary conditions of unpleasant tooth sensations. If such a sensation continues in the patient, it is possible to act with special toothpastes, the main purpose of which is to reduce tooth sensitivity.
