
Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a part of dentistry that encompasses various surgical procedures in the oral cavity. We provide a wide range of services in this field through collaboration with oral surgery specialists, and some procedures are performed by our dental experts with certified training in specific surgical interventions.

When the need arises, and our dentists recommend surgical therapy, the patient undergoes preparation, including a detailed medical history questionnaire to assess general health condition, any necessary premedication, conservative and periodontal treatments of teeth and soft tissues, followed by surgical intervention and follow-up appointments.

Advantages of oral surgery

Oral surgery can help alleviate various dental issues and sometimes represents the last hope of preserving a tooth. Some of these interventions include the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, apicoectomy (root tip resection), soft tissue surgeries, as well as various procedures on bone and soft tissues that may involve dental implant placement.

Oral surgery can also involve gum surgeries and reconstruction of the oral cavity. It finds application in implantology and helps correct or remove facial, jaw, and dental irregularities and defects. Sometimes, the removal of certain teeth is necessary before orthodontic treatment for better teeth alignment. During surgical procedures, local anesthesia is administered, and after the intervention, the patient can return home.

The most common procedures falling under oral surgery are:

• Implantology
• Routine and complicated tooth extractions or removal of residual tooth roots
• Extraction of unerupted, impacted, or retained teeth, usually wisdom teeth
• Apicoectomy - removal of the inflamed root tip
• Gingivectomy - reshaping of the gums
• Bone modeling and replacement
• Sinus lift - bone augmentation in the sinus area
• Procedures to address esthetic and functional issues within the oral cavity

Additionally, it's important to note that dental implantology partially overlaps with oral surgery. The process of implant placement is indeed an oral surgical procedure performed by specialists in oral surgery. The implant placement procedure is typically painless and usually passes with minimal or no postoperative complications. In addition to implant placement, oral surgery also addresses numerous cases where patients initially lack sufficient bone tissue for implant placement. In such cases, regenerative pre-implantology surgery is performed. Regenerative pre-implantology surgery involves all procedures aimed at augmenting hard and soft tissues on the alveolar ridge to achieve sufficient or optimal tissue for successful implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.

Tissue Replacement - Augmentation

The bone tissue used for tissue replacement on the ridge can be autologous, meaning it is taken from the patient (usually from the chin or behind the wisdom teeth area), or it can be the artificial bone that is inserted where the bone is missing. Procedures using artificial bone are more comfortable for patients as they do not involve additional surgical sites, but they have their limitations and cannot be used for extensive tissue losses on the ridge.

We offer you the following services:
Tooth extraction
Gingivectomy for Gummy Smile
Alveolitis therapy
